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Perhaps it was a latent sense of recognition that made Chiara Camoni decide to become the second resident of the Makryammos Ephemeral Art Residency on the Greek island of Thasos. Living in the Italian village of Fabbiano in the Versilia mountains of the Apuan Alps, with a view of the Tuscan Sea in clear weather, she must have felt attracted to the mountainous and fertile Greek island, with its strong local traditions and its ubiquitous references to the mythical gods of ancient times. Camoni’s unceasing drive to work with materials from her surroundings, to regard her domestic space as her atelier, and to see art and daily life as one and the same were important considerations in inviting her to spend a month on the island along with her daughter Anna Ines. 2. Camoni’s many sculptures, installations, drawings, paintings, videos and performances seem to stress the materiality of objects and the creative act, a fascination for collective rituals and the great significance of a sense of place. Furthermore, there seems to be an intense interest in the charge given to objects, a charge that is not always visible but can certainly be felt. This is underlined by a quote from Camoni in a text by Alice Motard. ‘When I look at a vase or a necklace in the cabinet of a museum [of archaeology], I immediately begin to think that these objects, made with masterly expertise and a great investment of resources, were intended to accompany the deceased on the journey to the afterlife. A great effort just to be confined in the dark, forever . . . This is exactly what I find in this archaic past, an intention that through these objects makes me sense not only a form and a material, but also a kind of energy that is emanated, a density, a higher specific weight.’ [1]


Chiara Camoni

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Mondi Perfetti 

Chiara Camoni, Senza titolo (le Leonesse), 2019

terracotta, natural sheep's wool

cm 61 x 297 x 146

dettaglio / detail

Photo by Camilla Maria Santini

Silvia Fiorucci Collection, Monaco



Chiara Camoni and the Centre, Living Room, 2019

wild plants and seeds, verdigris patinated wood,

terracotta and glazed terracotta made

with sand and soil from Llandudno’s beach,

recycled fur, detail

Courtesy Arcade, London

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Chiara Camoni, Senza Titolo (una Tenda), 2019

brass, vegetal print on silk

cm 183 x Ø 211

Photo by Camilla Maria Santini

Silvia Fiorucci Collection, Monaco



Installation views of the exhibition Deux Soeurs at Capc, musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux curated by Alice Motard.


This exhibition looked back at an artistic practice entangled with the everyday life of fifteen years. It took visitors on a journey through a body of work that resulted from everyday life and repetition, an organic art practice whose forms are renewed every morning, inhabit every moment of the day and revert to a state of stillness as night falls.



Part of La Giusta Misura/The Right Measure, a series of ongoing workshops linked to the action of the hands and/or linked to the reading of books, talks and lectures. Initiated together with curator Cecilia Canziani and over the years with involvement of different places and different guests with different field of expertise. Workshops of experimental waving, vegetal printing, ceramic with homemade glazes, en plein air drawing, pottery were all part of it. The connections between art and crafts and other knowledges are explored and it results often in a collective piece of art.

03_Chiara Camoni, About this and that. The self and the other. Like everything. Installati

About this and that. The self and the other. Like everything


view at MOSTYN, Wales UK, November 2019. Photograph Dewi Llwyd.

Chiara Camoni and the Centre, Living Room, 2019

wild plants and seeds, verdigris patinated wood, terracotta and glazed terracotta made

with sand and soil from Llandudno’s beach, recycled fur,

dimensions variable

Photo by Dewi Llwyd

Courtesy Arcade, London

Chiara Camoni (b. 1974, Piacenza, Italy.)

Lives and works in Fabbiano (Lucca), Italy


Solo and Two Person Exhibitions


- (upcoming) Hangar Bicocca, Milan, IT


- (upcoming) A Tail of A Tub, Rotterdam, NL


- HIC SUNT DRACONES, with Atelier dell’Errore, curated by Elena Volpato, GAM, Torino, IT

- 1897. Dove andiamo?, Chiara Camoni, Luca Bertolo, Studio Spada Partners, Bologna, IT

- WHAT’S YOUR POISON, Chiara Camoni and table companions, Almanac Inn, Turin, IT

- Autoritratto (una luna) e altre storie, Villa Pacchiani Centro Espositivo, Santa Croce Sull’Arno, Pisa, IT

- Forra, fiorame, fogliame. Mondo di sopra, mondo di sotto. E piccole creature IUNO, Roma, IT



- CHI CI SALVA, curated by Sergey Kantsedal and Yuliya Say, Barriera, Torino, IT

- La Meraviglia, curated by Alice Motard, CEAAC, Strasbourg, FR

- Deux Soeurs, curated by Alice Motard, CAPC, musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, FR


- About this and that. The self and the other. Like everything, Mostyn, Llandudno, Wales, UK

- NOUS, with Luca Bertolo, Arcade, Brussels, BE

- Sui Generis: Autoritratti, with Bettina Buck and words by Cecilia Canziani, Le Murate, Firenze, IT

- Mondi Perfetti, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- Zinzec, with Anna Barham, curated by Caterina Avataneo, Arcade Gallery, London


- Sisters, Middlesborough Insititute of Modern Art, Middlesbrough, UK


- Sisters, Arcade, London, UK

- Barricata, curated by Francesca Pasini, Libreria delle Donne, Milano


- The story always comes later, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- Il Grande Baccano, Chiara Camoni and 763 children, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Pinacoteca Civica B. Malajoli,Fabriano, IT


- Gli immediati dintorni, a cura di Cecilia Canziani e Ilaria Gianni, Nomas Foundation, Roma, IT

- La Ninessa e altre creature, curated by Ilaria Mariotti, Villa Pacchiani Centro Espositivo, Santa Croce sull’Arno (PI), IT

- Del questo e del quello, del sé e dell’altro, come tutto, LCA, Milano, IT


- La neve gialla, Teatro Farnese, Parma, IT

- La Pazienza è virtù dei Manufatti, SpazioA, IT


- certe cose, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT


- Nell’ordine del discorso, curated by Chris Sharp, with a dialogue between Chris Sharp and Luca Bertolo, Museo Marino Marini, Firenze, IT


- C.W Clockwise, with Adriano Nasuti-Wood, Mars, Milano, IT

Group Exhibitions


- Impatiens Tremens, central exhibition of Romanian Creative Week, Braunstein Palace, Iasi, RO

- Notizie dalla terra 1968.2028, curated by Irene Biolchini and Ruggero Montrasio, Montrasio Arte, Milano, IT

- The Chimera Complex, curated bu Antonio Grulli, Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich, CH

- decentering in Ceramics, Richard Saltoun Gallery, Rome, IT 2022

- Becoming Flower, curated by Hélène Guenin and Rébecca François, MAMAC, Nice, FR

- Persones Persons, 8a Biennale Gherdëina, curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos, Ortisei, IT

- Do Animals Go To Heaven?, a group show organized by Collezione Agovino, Matera, IT

- Rigeneration, curated by Lindsay Harris, Andrew Heiskell, and Elizabeth Rodini, American Academy, Roma, IT

- A Matter of Life and Death, curated by Jenni Lomax, Thomas Dane Gallery, Napoli, IT


- La Vie matérielle, CENTRALE, Brussels, BE

- And the flowers too, Museo Orto Botanico, Roma, IT

- Life and Herstories (Autobiography as Dialogue), Chiara Camoni and Stefania Galegati, curated by Daria Filardo, Villa Romana, Firenze

- Officine Saffi Award, Officine Saffi, Milano, IT

- IO DICO IO, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna, Roma, IT

- Otros Tiempos, curated by Rosa Léo, The Green Parrot, Barcelona, ES

- On Survival, curated by Caterina Avataneo, Galerie Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE


- 17a Quadriennale di Roma, curated by Sarah Cosulich and Stefano Collicelli Cagol, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, IT

- Artifices instables, Storie di ceramiche, curated by Cristiano Raimondi, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco – Villa Sauber, Monaco

- Flow, Francesco Carone’s studio, Pistoia, a project by Francesco Carone and SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- Storia Notturna, curated by Denis Isaia and Simone Frangi, Centrale Fies, Località Fies 1, Dro, TN

- PENDANT QUE LES CHAMPS BRÛLENT, MAGCP, Maison des Arts Georges & Claude Pompidou, Cajarc, FR


- I remember earth, Magasin des Horizon, Grenoble, FR

- Superhost, curated by Like a little disaster and Pane Project, Polignano a Mare, Bari, IT

- On Flower Power: The Role of the Vase in Arts, Crafts and Design, curated by Martí Guixé, GNAM, Roma

- Prospettiva Arte Contemporanea, Gallerie d’Italia, Milano, IT

- Vetrine di Libertà - La libreria delle donne di Milano, ieri, oggi, curated by Francesca Pasini, Fabbrica del Vapore,Milano, IT

- ZENZIC, with Anna Barham, curated by Caterina Avataneo, Arcade, London, UK


- Il disegno nel disegno, a cura di Saretto Cincinelli, Museo Novecento, Firenze, IT

- La vita materiale. Otto stanze, otto storie, a project by Marina Dacci, Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia

- Sauvage, Dom-Art Space, Palermo, IT• 10 Years of Love, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- 10 Years of Love, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- ABOUT A VASE - L’archetipo ceramico nell’arte contemporanea, curated by Matteo Zauli, different locations,Montelupo Fiorentino, IT

- A Forest, Arcade, London, UK


- Materia Montelupo, Museo della Ceramica di Montelupo, Montelupo Fiorentino, IT

- Builders of Tomorrow, Immaginare il futuro tra design e arte, curated by Giovanna Cassese and Marinella Paderni, Museo Internazionale delle ceramiche, Faenza, IT

- Flowers are Documents – Arrangement I and II, curated by Emanuele Guidi, argekunst, Bolzano, IT

- Gyeongg International Biennale 2017, Narrative; Ode to Life, Icheon Cerapia, Gwangju Gonjiam Ceramic Park, Yeoju Dojasesang, Gyeonggi-do Province, South Korea


- Anachronikos, curated by Ula Tornau and Asta Vaiciulyte, CAC-Contemporary Art Centre in Vilnius, LT

- XXI Triennale international exhibition, W Women in Design, curated by Silvana Annicchiarico, Triennale, Milano, IT

- Dall’oggi al domani, MACRO, Museo di arte Contemporanea, Roma, IT 2015

- Chaotic Passion, curated by Anna Lovecchio e CHAN, Villa Croce, Genova, IT

- Ri-pensare il medium: il fantasma del disegno, curated by Saretto Cincinelli and Cristiana Collu, Casa Masaccio,San Giovanni Valdarno, IT

- Èdra. Tutta l’Italia è silenziosa, curated by Davide Ferri, Accademia Reale di Spagna, Roma, IT

- Club of Matinee Idolz, C02, Torino, IT

- Folleree & Folleroo, Arcade, London, UK


- biotic/abiotic, curated by Hanna Laura Kaljo and Lucy Lopez (JupiterWoods), Gallery Apart in collaboration with Nomas Foundation, Roma, IT

- Biennale Giovani, Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna, IT

- To continue. Notes towards a Sculpture Cycle I Scale, Nomas Foundation, Rome, IT

- Fortuna, Autocenter, Berlin, DE

- Krobylos. Un groviglio di segni, da Parmigianino a Kentridge. curated by Alessandra Bigi Iotti, Marinella Paderni, Massimo Pulini, and Giulio

Zavatta, Biennale del Disegno Rimini, Rimini, IT, 2013

- Autoritratti. Iscrizioni del femminile nell’arte italiana contemporanea, MAMBO, Bologna, IT

- Natura morta, curated by Cecilia Canziani e Ilaria Gianni, GNAM, Roma, IT

- Un’idea di bellezza, Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Firenze, IT

- Fig. 1: Paesaggio, curated by Cecilia Canziani & Ilaria Gianni, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

- Oltre il Giardino, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Palazzo Fabroni, Pistoia, IT


- PUNTI DI VISTA Identità Conflitti Mutamenti, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Palazzo Arnone, Cosenza, IT

- Brightlight / Darklight, curated by Ludovico Pratesi and Valentina Ciarallo, American Academy in Rome, Roma, IT

- Archéologies contemporaines, curated by Aurélie Voltz, Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg Montbéliard, Montbéliard, FR

- Partita a quattro: una riflessione sulla scultura, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Galleria Lorcan O’Neill, Roma, IT

- EPIPEDON | Il filo dell orizzonte, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, CO2 gallery, Roma, IT


- Meriggio a Carignano, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Villa al Console, Carignano (LU), IT

- Young Sculpture International Prize - Fondazione Francesco Messina, curated by Claudia Gioia Materima, Casalbeltrame (NO), IT

- Vedere un Oggetto, Vedere la Luce, curated by Ginny Kollak, Padraic E. Moore and Pavel S. Pyś, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene D’Alba (CN), IT

- Biennale Giovani Monza 2011, Villa Reale, Monza (MB), IT

- Somiglianze non sensibili, curated by Cecilia Canziani, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin, Germany, DE


- Somiglianze non sensibili, curated by Cecilia Canziani, Galleri Opdahl, Stavanger, NO

- Persona in meno, curated by Erica Cooke, Angelique Campens and Chris Fitzpatrick, Fond. Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, IT

- Guarene d’Alba - replay fast forward, Fondazione Buziol, Venezia, IT

- Triennale di Milano, Museo del design, Milano, IT

- Non totalmente immemori. Né completamente nudi #2, GC.AC Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone (GO), IT


- Fuse work, Multiples and editions, Front Room Gallery, Brooklin, New York, USA

- FIAV.09 - Festival d’Images Artistiques Vidéo, curated by Gallerie ESCA, Centre Zo, Catania, IT

- Drawing Tales, curated by Paola Noè, Citric Gallery, Brescia, IT

- Fuori Registro. Attitudini concettuali nella ceramica italiana, curated by Emma Zanella, Alessandro Castiglioni e Lorena Giuranna, MIDeC Museo Internazionale Design Ceramico, Cerro di Laveno Mombello, Varese, IT

- La grande spolveratrice e altre storie, Assab One, Milano, IT

- Il Castello di Rivara apre le cantine, curated by Francesca Solero, Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Castello di Rivara, Torino, IT

- Dialoghi contemporanei, Lago Film Fest, curated by Saul Marcadent, Revine Lago, Treviso, IT

- Interplay - Premio Termoli 2009, curated by Carla Subrizi e Miriam Mirolla, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Termoli, IT

- Supermegadrops 5, curated by Mario Gorni, CRAC Centro Ricerca Arte Contemporanea, Cremona, IT

- Triennale della Ceramica d’Arte Contemporanea, curated by Carla Subrizi e Nello Teodori, Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, IT

- Roots/Radici, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, curated by Maurizio Coccia, Mara Predicatori, Matilde Marinetti, Madrid, ES

- 2009 - Un ponte sul Mediterraneo, curated by Artegiovane, Fondazione Merz, Torino, IT


- One or three ways to turn on the light, Villa Sträuli - Winterthur, Zürich, CH

- Arte in Certosa: Ortus Artis e Fresco Bosco, curated by A. Bonito Oliva, Certosa di San Lorenzo, Museo Archeologico Provinciale, Padula, IT

- Shapes of time, curated by L. Savorelli and S. Raffaghello, Biennale di Alessandria, La Cittadella, Alessandria, IT


- Open Air, curated by M. Paderni, I. Saccani, Orto Botanico, Parma, IT

- Officine dell’Umbria 2007, Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi (PG), IT


- Lettere a Darwin, L’Atelier, Napoli | Officine dell’Umbria 2006, Ex-Mattatoio, Trevi (PG), IT

- Confini – Lo spazio del corpo, il corpo dello spazio, PAC – Palazzo Massari, Ferrara, IT

- Premio Campigna, Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea Stoppioni, S. Sofia, Forlì, IT

- Vita Ipogea, Fondazione Morra, Napoli, IT


- Aperto per lavori in corso, curated by F. Pasini, PAC. Milano, IT

- Art of Italian Design, Fondazione Megaron Plus, Atene, GR

- Altre voci altre stanze, Centro Fieristico Le Ciminiere, Catania, IT

- In corso d’opera, Fabbrica del vapore, Milano, IT

- Padiglione Italia Out of Biennale, Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi, IT

- Chronos, CeSAC, Centro sperimentale per le arti contemporanee, Caraglio, IT

- Honey/Money, Assab One, Milano, IT

- Il percorso della scultura, Miart, Milano, IT

- Osso Sacro, Museo Paolo Pini, Milano , IT

- Fuori mano, Boffalora, Milano; Sofar, Sevenseven Contemporary Art, Londra, UK

- Edizione straordinaria / Le case d’arte 1985-2005, Assab One, Milano, IT

- Cassetti, Galleria Luisa Delle Piane, Milano, IT


- Citazioni, Galleria le case d’arte, Milano; No Parachute, Artandgallery, Milano, IT

- Adamo, Museo Paolo Pini, Milano, IT

- Assab One, Ex-stabilimento Gea, Milano, IT

- Art Book Chosen by Artist, Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, IT

- Papesse record, Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, IT

- Uscita Pistoia, curated by G. Alleruzzo e S-F. Namioka, SpazioA contemporanearte, Pistoia, IT


- Art+Tech, Artissima, Torino, IT

- 1234567890, Carterie Vannucci Milano e Hangar Sorlini, Venezia, IT

- Nature/Nature, Galleria Ricci Oddi, Piacenza, IT


- Metodo e complessità, Villa Braghieri, Castelsangiovanni, IT

- Peace (end) love, Castello degli Ezzellini, Bassano del Grappa, IT

- Una stanza tutta per sé, Galleria Ricci Oddi, Piacenza, IT


- The Sun and the Rainfall, Galleria Zero, Piacenza, IT




- Institut d’art contemporain, IAC — Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, FR

- Le Fonds régional d’art contemporain, FRAC — Bretagne, FR

- Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, GAM — Torino, IT

- Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, CAPC — Bordeaux, FR





- (upcoming) Serpentesse, presented by The Green Parrot, Museu Etnològic i de les Cultures del Món, Barcelona, SP

- GENDERS OF THE FORESTS, in memory of Silke Otto-Knapp, master symposium, Institute Art Gender Nature, Basel, CH


• La giusta misura: RIPETIZIONI, with Cecilia Canziani, lecture by Gian Antonio Gilli, GAM, Galleria civica d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Torino, IT


- Kabira, within RESIDENZA D’ARTISTA / edizione 2019, curated by MCZ, Museo Carlo Zauli, Faenza, IT

- La Giusta Misura, with Cecilia Canziani, lectures by Ilaria Mariotti and Lorenzo Mucci, La Società delle Api, Grasse, FR


- Del tempo lineare e del tempo ciclico. Ovvero della Storia e della Natura, curated by Chiara Camoni, CAP - Centro Arti Plastiche, Carrara, IT


- Predictions, curated by Martina Angelotti, Antonio Grulli, Emanuele Guidi, XIV Biennale Internazionale di Scultura, Teatro degli Animosi, Carrara, IT






- E. Volpato (a cura di / edidited by), Chiara Camoni. Serpentesse, A+Mbookstore Edizioni, 2023

- C. Canziani, Feature Certe cose: Chiara Camoni, Flash Art, n. 355, Inverno 2021-2022, p. 91-97

- Aria italiana. Enciclopedia minima per idee e visioni oltre la pandemia, edited by Gianfranco Maraniello, Alberto Salvadori, Vincenzo Trione,

Fondazione ICA Milano, 2021

- Quadriennale d’arte 2020. Fuori, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, exhibition catalogue, 2020

- La vita materiale. Otto stanze, otto storie, Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia, Gli Ori, exhibition catalogue, 2018

- Chiara Camoni, Certain Things, Nero, 2017

- Chiara Camoni, Psssst Psssst, Les Ceristes, 2016

- M. Silvi, Chiara Camoni, Gli immediati dintorni, Artforum online, Feb. 4, 2016

- C. Fiasca, Chiara Camoni, L’arte è questione di vicinanza, Arte e Critica n. 84, inverno 2015-16

- Chiara Camoni, La Ninessa e altre Creature, Villa Pacchiani, Santa Croce sull’Arno, exhibition catalogue, 2015

- Krobylos. Un groviglio di segni, da Parmigianino a Kentridge. Biennale del Disegno Rimini, Medusa ed., exhibition catalogue, 2014

- La Pazienza è vertù dei Manufatti, Art World 285, Shanghai 2014

- Biennale Roncaglia 2012, XXXII edizione, exhibition catalogue, 2012

- Un’idea di bellezza, Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Firenze, Mandragora editore, exhibition catalogue, 2012

- M. Paderni, Chiara Camoni, Frieze magazine on-line, March 2012

- Archéologies contemporaines, Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg Montbéliard, exhibition catalogue, 2012

- L. Pratesi, New Italian Art, L’arte contemporanea delle utime generazioni, Castelvecchi editore, 2012.

- Premio Internazionale Giovane Scultura, Fondazione Francesco Messina, exhibition catalogue, 2011

- Vedere un Oggetto, Vedere la Luce, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, exhibition catalogue, Mousse publishing, 2011

- V. Rossi, Chiara Camoni. Dialoghi e vicinanze, Arte e Critica, n 67, June - August 2011.

- P. Bortolotti, Due dialoghi paralleli al museo Marino Marini, Arte e Critica, n 66, March - May 2011.

- Biennale Giovani Monza, Villa Reale Monza, exhibition catalogue, 2011.

- Persona in meno, Palazzo Ducale - Loggia degli Abati, Genova, exhibition catalogue curated by Irene Calderoni, 2010.

- Non totalmente immemori né completamente nudi, GC.AC - Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone, 2010

- Nella deriva di tutte le incertezze, exhibition catalogue curated by A. Castiglioni and Lorena Giuranna, Sputnik, Milano, 2010

- Quali cose siamo, La Triennale di Milano - Design Museum, exhibition catalogue, 2010

- F. Pasini, C. Sharp, L. Bertolo, La buona vicinanza, exhibition catalogue, SpazioA contemporanearte, Pistoia, 2010.

- D. Perra, Giovani galleristi/e crescono, Kult, n. 11, November 2010.

- Collezionisti - Il Talent scout, interview to Stefano Sciarretta - Nomas Foundation, Corriere della Sera, March 24th 2010.

- M. Tagliafierro, Chiara Camoni, Opere vitali, Flash Art, n. 281, March 2010, p. 74.

- C. Guidi, Chiara Camoni, SpazioA - Pistoia, Flash Art, n. 280, February 2010, p. 131.

- A. Sigolo, Chiara Camoni, Pistoia, SpazioA,, n. 280, 27th January 2010.

- A. Pioselli, Chiara Camoni, Artforum, January 2010.

- A. Galasso, Laboratorio Italia. Scultura, Johan&Levi Edizioni, Monza, 2009.

- Fuori Registro, exhibition catalogue, Casa Editrice NuovaLitoEffe, 2009

- S. Castelli e A. Redaelli, Scelti per voi, Arte Mondadori n. 435, 2009

- Roots/Radici – Memoria, Identidad, Terrritorio, exhibition catalogue, Istituto di Cultura Italiana, Madrid, 2009

- Triennale della Ceramica d’Arte Contemporanea, exhibition catalogue curated by C. Subrizi e N. Teodori, Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, 2009.

- Il Castello di Rivara apre le cantine, exhibition catalogue curated by Francesca Solero, Rivara, Torino, 2009

- Interplay, Premio Termoli 2009, catalogo della mostra a cura di Miriam Mirolla e Carla Subrizi, Termoli, 2009.

- L. Savorelli, Shapes of time - Biennale di Alessandria, Video Fotografia Contemporanea, exhibition catalogue, Vanilla, Alessandria, 2008.

- 35 under 35, Arte, n. 420, Editoriale Mondadori, 2008.

- Multiples and Editions, exhibition catalogue, Front Room Gallery, NY, 2008.

- C. Romano, Chiara Camoni, Juliet, June 2008

- Dizionario della giovane arte italiana (2), Flash Art, n. 269, p.102, 2008

- On Mobility. Premio Furla per l’arte, Ed. Charta, 2007

- M. Paderni, I.Saccani, Open Air, exhibition catalogue, Parma, 2007

- Speciale Milano, Flash Art, n. 263, 2007

- Premio Campigna, exhibition catalogue, Forlì, 2006

- Click! Click! Ritratti fotografici di artisti, Liceo artistico preziosissimo sangue, Monza, 2006

- C. Canali, Chiara Camoni, Espoarte, n. 42, 2006

- D. Balet, Tre sguardi sul contemporaneo, Stile, n. 18, 2006

- F. Pasini, Il filo rosso del mio padiglione, Flash Art, n. 253, 2005

- F. Pasini, Aperto per lavori in corso, exhibition catalogue, Artshowedizioni, Milano, 2005

- Curator 9, In corso d’opera, exhibition catalogue, La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano, 2005

- F. Pasini, Il padiglione di sabbia e nebbia, Flash Art, n. 252, 2005

- Chronos – Il tempo nell’arte dall’epoca barocca all’età contemporanea, exhibition catalogue, CeSAC, Cuneo, 2005

- L. Pancrazzi, Art book chosen by artists, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, 2005

- E. Bozzi, La bellezza dell’improbabile, Piacentini, n. 3, 2005

- U. Locatelli, Areale – Luogo e Risonanza, Fondazione italiana per la Fotografia, Torino, 2005

- R. Pinto, E. Quarestani, Assab one 2004, exhibition catalogue, Milano, 2004

- Focus Emilia Romagna, Flash Art n. 244, 2004

- In composizione, AGON Acustica Informatica Musica, Milano, 2004

- E. Gazzola, Sibyllae e la città, exhibition catalogue, Vicolo del pavone, Piacenza, 2004

- R. Suzzani, Le sculture di Chiara Camoni, Panorama Arte, n. 21, 2004

- G. Ferrè, Il mondo incantato di nonna Ines, Io Donna, n. 24, 2003

- Tempo trovato, tempo perduto, City Milano, n. 3, 2003

- Sopra sotto davanti dietro, La Lettre du Centre Cultural Francais de Milano, 2003

- R. Guidobono, 1234567890 – 10 young artists about time lapse, exhibition catalogue, Kroitnitz, Milano, 2003

- E. Gazzola, Verifica dei dintorni, exhibition catalogue, Vicolo del Pavone, Piacenza, 2003

- G. Bonvicini, M. E. Marchini, Nature/Nature, exhibition catalogue, Piacenza, 2003

- E. Gazzola, Arte e Natura, Galleria, n. 10, 1999

- N. Barbieri, L’incredibile bellezza del polline, “Piacentini”, n. 3, 1999



Brera Academy of Fine

Arts, Milan, IT


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