Yiorgis Sakellariou is a member of the Athenian Contemporary Music Research Centre, the Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association and the Lithuanian Composers Union. Since 2004 he has curated the label Echomusic. He is currently a lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University and an assistant lecturer at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.
He completed his PhD at Coventry University (April 2018). His research drew inspiration from ethnomusicological and anthropological contexts and explored the sonic symbolism and socio-aesthetic settings in ecstatic religious rituals in relation to field recording, electroacoustic composition and acousmatic performance.

Proceedings of the Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference, The Art of Electroacoustic Music - Sheffield.

(co’author: Costis Drygianakis). The Travelling Archive

Yiorgis Sakellariou is a composer, recordist and researcher.
Selected List of Music Publications
-Fons et Origo [CD]. Lithuania: Music Information Centre, Lithuania (2022)
-Degti. [cassette tape]. Portugal: Cronica Electronica (2021)
-Auka. [mini-CD]. France: Taâlem (2020)
-Nympholepsy. [CD]. Greece: Noise Below (2019)
-Diapsalmata: A Collection of Short Works. [cassette tape]. Belgium: Tanuki (2018)
-In Aulis. [CD]. Belgium: Unfathomless (2018)
-Stikhiya. [cassette tape]. Portugal: Cronica Electronica (2017)
-Silentium. [CD]. USA: Pogus Productions (2016)
-Shift [digital]. Canada: No Type/Panospria (2016)
-Everything Emanating from the Sun [digital]. Portugal: Cronica Electronica (2016)
-Klaipeda. [CD]. Belgium: Unfathomless (2015)
-Cueb. [mini-CD]. Colombia: Eter-Lab (2014)
-30:13. [digital]. Colombia: Impulsive Habitat (2014)
-Fukushima 36:51. [digital]. Greece: Echomusic (2013)
-Brombron 25: ab-a-b. [CD]. The Netherlands: Kormplastics (2013)
-Mecha/Orga 40:43. [CD]. Japan: Label Oto (2013)
-Rotterdam 54:21. [CD]. Russia: Monochrome Vision (2012)
-Mecha/Orga 53:30. [CD]. UK: Very Quiet Records (2012)
-Mecha/Orga 27: 36. [digital]. Portugal: Green Field Recordings (2010)
Selected artist talks and paper presentations
“Navigating in the Multiverse: Possibilities and Limitations of Creative Practices in Online Environments” in Non-Machines: Playground of Perspective conference, Bauhaus University, Weimar (July 2023)
“River Sounds: The Mythology of Eternal Flow in Electroacoustic Composition” in (online) Symposium of New Works and Research into Contemporary Composers: “Avant-Garde and Experimental Creative Considerations in Art Music” Department of Ethnomusicology, Nanhua University, Taiwan (July 2021)
“Rituals in Electroacoustic Music”, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia (March 2020)
“Music and Sound Design in Film & New Media: Soundscapes and Immersive Sound”, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilnius, September 2019)
“Composing (with) Silence: Music for Stan Brakhage's “Dog Star Man - Part 1” in Visuality 2019: Creative Communication in the Emerging Constellations”, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Universitry, Vilnius (April 2019)
“Between the physical and supernatural: Sacred Soundscapes and Electroacoustic Music” in Architecture and the Senses” organised by Agosto Foundation, Plasy Monastery, Czechia (October 2018)
“What’s really going on here?” in EMS15-Electroacoustic Music Studies Network “The Art of Electroacoustic Music” conference, University of Sheffield, UK (June 2015)